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Posted by on Sep 17, 2012 in Pregnancy |

My pregnancy journal

My pregnancy journal

20120917-201149.jpgAs I announced on Saturday, I’m pregnant. I’m just coming up on thirteen weeks now. I didn’t want to make any public announcements until I was safely at the end of the first trimester.

But that didn’t stop me blogging about my experiences for the past few months. Each week, even if I didn’t have the energy to publish a blog post that week, I took the time to write a journal entry for that week. I started writing these back in July, when I was coming up on the five weeks’ pregnant mark. In fact, I went right back and wrote about how I was feeling the week before I got my positive pregnancy result.

So now, those posts will finally see the light of day. I’ll be publishing them over the next couple of weeks, and listing them here so that eventually this post will link to my entire pregnancy journal.

Week 3: Implantation bleeding

Week 4: That’s definitely a line

Week 5: Testing like crazy

Week 6: Feeling queasy

Week 7: Impatience

Week 8: Time to meet peanut

Week 9: I’m getting sleepy…

Week 10: Sleeping and sneezing

Week 11: Bring on the stretchy waistbands!

Week 12: Time to tell people

Week 13: The haze is lifting

Week 14: Is that a bump?

Week 15: A hormonal wreck

Week 16: Time for a check-up

Week 17: Let the preparations begin

Week 18: Not a thing to wear

Week 19: Feeling scarily normal

Week 20: A few kicks and a big change

Week 21: Waddle, waddle

Week 22: A sweet surprise

Week 23: Dealing with pelvic pain

Week 24: My first MLU visit

Week 25: What’s in a name?

Week 26: Braxton Hicks

Week 27: Getting ready for a new sister

Week 28: Growth spurt = exhaustion

Week 29: To the left, to the left

Week 30: The home stretch

Week 31: A stomach bug

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