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Posted by on Oct 13, 2012 in Pregnancy |

Pregnancy: Week 12

Pregnancy: Week 12

I wrote this post in mid-September when I was twelve weeks pregnant, and still exhausted. Now that I’ve made the official announcement, I’m finally publishing and sharing it.

So here we are at last. The 12 week mark – the first real milestone. That point where it’s suddenly considered “safe” to tell the world your news. All I’m feeling though is tired. Was I tired for this long last time? I don’t remember. The past few weeks have been passing in a blur because I go to work, come home, make dinner, play with Little Man, put him to bed or clean up, and then go to bed myself. So repetitive. Night after night.

Thank god I’m not sick. I don’t know how people cope with that on top of tiredness. I think most of my nausea has passed actually. But I’m still taking the folic acid with vitamin B complex, and my Pregnacare. After being on antibiotics at the start of this pregnancy, I think I need all the help I can get to stay healthy.

I had my first hospital appointment this week. I’ve chosen a different hospital this time around. I wanted to pick one with a midwife led unit and an early release scheme. I figure with Little Man at home I’ll be keen to minimize my stay in hospital.

As expected, the first hospital appointment was a lengthy one. Filling out forms, repeating the exact same information to the midwife when I met her… I was excited to have another scan and see how bubs is growing. Everything looked great, thankfully.

A few blood tests and a urine test later, and I was exhausted and done. Three hours from start to finish. I hope my future appointments are a bit shorter!

The real excitement this week was with making our announcement, which I was delighted to do! Good thing Little Man can’t read, because we haven’t exactly told him what’s going on yet! Still though, the promise of a treat was enough to get him to smile for the camera while holding our announcement!

Find my complete pregnancy journal here.

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