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Posted by on Oct 5, 2012 in Life, Pregnancy, Sleep | 4 comments

Pregnancy: Week 9

Pregnancy: Week 9

I wrote this post back in August when I was nine weeks pregnant, and hardly able to see straight I was so exhausted. Now that I’ve made the official announcement, I’m finally publishing and sharing it.

Source: mpisti on Flickr

You’re getting sleepy…
Source: mpisti on Flickr

We’ve started to tell family and friends our news. I guess that means that it’s sinking in that this is really happening. And ever since the scan, it feels like it’s been happening fast. Funny how the weeks in the run-up to the scan just dragged and dragged, but since then, the time has been zooming by.

Almost everyone we’ve told has asked me if I feel the same on this pregnancy as I did on Little Man. And my answer is “I think so…but I’m not sure.”

For a start, I know I was nauseous on Little Man, but not sick. And I’m nauseous but not sick this time around. But I don’t remember being quite so nauseous last time around. I spend a lot of my day at the moment planning stomach-friendly snacks and avoiding strong smells. (Oh my God my sense of smell!! Everything is pungent to me!)

Earlier this week, I was telling people how I don’t seem to be as tired this time around either. On Little Man, I was exhausted at this stage. I’d come home from work and I could be asleep by 7.30. This time I’ve been tired but not to the same extent. I wondered if it’s because now that I’ve been a parent for nearly 3 years, it takes a much greater level of tiredness to bowl me over.

Maybe… Except that a day or two after I outlined my tiredness theory – BANG! That brick wall of tiredness I remember so well from first time around. Bed at 9pm and unconscious for the entire night. Maybe peanut is having a growth spurt. My waistline is certainly expanding. Another week without maternity jeans but I think I’m pushing it. And all my normal bras are packed away, to be replaced by my scarily large pregnancy bras. I weighed myself and I’m down about 1.5-2lbs since I got pregnant. So I’m not sure where all this extra “volume” is coming from.

I may have to make an official announcement sooner rather than later because this is getting harder and harder to hide! I’ll think about that right after I have a nice long sleep!

Find my complete pregnancy journal here.


  1. I still don’t know how I managed to avoid the tiredness everyone talks about, especially considering how much I usually like my sleep!!! Bet it’s nice to be getting over that now 🙂

  2. It is amazing how tired you can be when pregnant. You do expand so much quicker the second time around, I don’t think the muscles are as strong and they just seem to relax into place ! Congratulations !
    Lynn @ More4mums recently posted..Love your Baby BumpMy Profile

    • Thanks Lynn! “Relaxing into place” – I like that!! 🙂

  3. Keep em comin…great read!

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