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Posted by on Nov 14, 2011 in Love |

The two year check-up

The two year check-up

Source: Lynda Giddens on Flickr

I took Little Man along to the Public Health Nurse (PHN) today for his two year check-up today. Okay so it’s about six weeks too late – but better late than never, right?! I wasn’t that pushed about it, because I was pretty certain that he’s meeting all his milestones. In the past six months, he went from having no words at all, to full scale conversations. And physically – well he’s been running, jumping, and climbing anything that looks remotely challenging for a year now, so I’ve definitely had no concerns there.

Still, it’s always nice to get a little reassurance from the professionals that all is well. I wasn’t sure that Little Man would cooperate though. He’s going through a “shy” phase. I’m not sure how shy he actually is – I suspect there is more play-acting than shyness involved. When someone he doesn’t know – adult or child – says hello to him, he cocks his head to one side and says “I shy,” and then refuses to say anything more to them.

Not so with the PHN today though – he was so at ease with her that I was wondering if it’s possible he remembers her from the Breastfeeding Support Group, where he would have met her plenty of times while I was on maternity leave. Whatever it was anyway, he was full of chat for her – happy to show off all his words and his block-stacking abilities. He even told her what colour each of the blocks was – although he was insistent that the yellow one was orange. He stood still while he was measured, and sat in his chair while the PHN showed him pictures. He named a duck, a cat, and a dog when they were pointed out in pictures, and he was happy to demonstrate his quacking, miaowing, and barking abilities to go along with them! One final set of questions to see if he could point to different parts of his body when they were named, and we were done.

Easy peasy! So that’s it, he’s all measured and assessed for another 18 months or so. Well done Little Man. Gold Star for you!

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