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Posted by on Mar 30, 2013 in Pregnancy | 3 comments

Pregnancy: Week 39

Pregnancy: Week 39

Okay baby – enough already. Time to come out now! I have officially entered the cranky pregnant woman stage. Especially when I reached 39 and a half weeks and found myself thinking “Little Man was already a week old at this stage – what’s going on?” I know that whatever happens my baby is going to be here within the next three weeks, but I can’t help thinking that each day longer that I stay pregnant is a day less I get to spend with her on maternity leave.

If I already feel overdue and I haven’t even reached my due date, what on earth will I be like if I end up going two weeks over?

All along we’ve been telling Little Man that his sister is coming for Easter. This week we’ve been making sure to explain that because she doesn’t have a watch or a calendar, she might be a little bit late. When we mentioned her potential lateness, Little Man seemed really upset, but it turned out that he thought there wouldn’t be any chocolate eggs until she arrived. Once we cleared up that misunderstanding, all was good again!

And meanwhile I just keep waiting and trying to distract myself. I’ve finished off any crafting projects that were half done and started a few new ones in the meantime. I’ll be honest though – I’m hoping that I won’t have time to see them all through!



  1. You look fantastic! These last few days are tough I know but it won’t be long til your Little Lady is here. What would you think about a reflexology treatment? I never had one myself but in the last few months I’ve heard lots of great things about them for the last couple of weeks of pregnancy. Might be a nice distraction if nothing else – you could blog about it! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Mind the Baby recently posted..Parallel play โ€“ itโ€™s not just the toddlers!My Profile

  2. You’re nearly there, it’s so hard waiting around not knowing when things will get started xxx

  3. Aww at least you and little man will have chocolate eggs to console you tomorrow. I know how you mean about maternity leave ticking by though – Dominic arrived 11 days late, 4 weeks after id finished work. So second time round I was a bit creative and worked up to 1 week before I was due. Hey presto, T was a week late so I had 2 full weeks before his arrival. I was very conscious of not being able to afford as long second time round though.

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