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Posted by on Nov 12, 2010 in Life, Sleep |

Learning to fall asleep

Learning to fall asleep

No not the baby – believe it or not I’m talking about me. Pre-baby, I was dreadful at falling asleep. I could lie in bed for an hour or more running the events of the day through my head, or planning the following day. Certainly not resting or sleeping!

Photo:mpistiThen to my shock when I was pregnant and I started doing GentleBirth/hypnobirthing,  I had an unexpected side effect. I did the course thinking it would help with labour, and was delighted to find it helped me sleep! Right up to the day I delivered I had no problems sleeping. Anytime I felt like it was going to be difficult to nod off, I’d pop in my earphones and be asleep before the session finishes.

Since Little Man was born, I can’t put in the earphones anymore, because obviously I need to hear him if he wakes during the night. But I’ve listened to those relaxation tracks so often that I can just start “listening” to them in my head, and away I go to sleep. It’s a wonderful life skill! And one I wish I had learned much much sooner!

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