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Posted by on Sep 15, 2011 in Life |

It never rains…

It never rains…

…But it pours!

Source: Shandchem

Why is it never just one thing that breaks? Just a few days ago, our tumble dryer stopped working all of a sudden. One minute it was fine, and the next, it stopped. The lights were on, but it just stopped moving, stopped tumbling, and most annoyingly, stopped drying. We never had a tumble dryer before Little Man was born. Never needed it really. It was just the two of us, and we were happy enough to leave clothes drying on a clothes horse in “the spare room”. Sure it took a day or two, but we weren’t in any rush. And in the winter time, they generally dried overnight because of the heat from the radiators.

Then Little Man arrived, and “the spare room” became “the baby’s room”, and overnight laundry went from being a mild but manageable irritation to a never-ending struggle to keep the laundry basket from overflowing (we gave up on trying to get it empty). Even when we got them washed, we just couldn’t dry them fast enough. Irish winters are not exactly known for their superior clothes drying qualities. So we decided enough was enough and we bought a dryer. Since then, we’ve fallen into a nice routine (which we mostly follow!) of one wash a day, leave them on the clothes horse overnight, and then finish them off in the dryer the next day. Hey presto, we were back on track and the fear of being smothered by the growing laundry mountain abated. Till this week…

And then just as I was getting my head around being without a dryer until we have time to find someone who can fix it, and arrange for them to do just that, something else happened. I came home this evening, delighted with myself because I was extra prepared last night, and had cooked dinner in advance for tonight. All I had to do was reheat it in the microwave and we were all set. Except that the microwave wasn’t working. At first I cursed another faulty appliance letting us down at an inconvenient time. And then I realised that nothing was working. Nothing that needed to be plugged in anyway. Long story short, it turns out our immersion water heater is faulty and was tripping the circuit, and needs to be replaced. Sigh.

Like I said…it never rains but it pours…

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