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Posted by on Mar 8, 2011 in Calendar Event, Life | 1 comment

Hooked on From here to maternity

Hooked on From here to maternity

photo: bethykaeA couple of weeks ago, I posted about a new show on RTE called “From here to maternity”. When I watched the first episode, I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Tonight I watched the next two episodes, and I think it’s safe to say I am hooked. Now that I know not to expect it to be like One Born Every Minute, I’m better able to enjoy it.

After all, the story of bringing new life into this world is about more than just pushing baby out. And I think it’s the “more” that this show captures. So tonight I was in awe of the couple expecting triplets. Watching them together makes my heart swell. They are in an awful situation, knowing that at any time they may be faced with a decision no parent would ever want to be faced with – whether to deliver all three babies early to give one of the babies who is not growing at the same rate as the other two a better chance.

And I laughed along with the new father who was clearly so ecstatic and bubbling over with joy.

And I cried with the mother whose three month old son in the NICU took a turn for the worst, and I cried more when she was told that he will need to have his surgery redone.

So will I be watching the rest of the series? Absolutely – I wouldn’t miss it.

1 Comment

  1. Totally addicted too!

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