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Posted by on May 25, 2013 in Breastfeeding, Life | 7 comments

Eight weeks old

Eight weeks old

Is there a growth spurt at eight weeks? There certainly seems to be one here.

All week Little Woman has been feeding well, and gradually spreading out her feeds at night. In fact we had one night this week where she slept from 11.15pm until 5.50am. I felt amazing after it! That’s the longest stretch of sleep I’ve had since I was pregnant.

Those lovely stretches abruptly came to a stop this morning though, on the day when she officially turned 8 weeks old. Suddenly she wanted to feed at 4am, 5am, 6am, 7am, and 8am! And with the exception of a 2 hour nap when I went for a walk with her in the sling, that trend continued all day.

At 7pm I went to bed so that I could feed her lying down because I was wiped out from it!!

I guess a growth spurt at this point isn’t surprising though. We’ve seen a lot of changes in her this week. Each day she is a bit more alert than the day before. The little smiles are coming much more frequently and now they seem to be directed at us or at objects that catch her attention. She’s started to track people with her eyes too – particularly Little Man. She seems happiest sitting in her bouncer chair watching him move around the room.

We’ve been doing a lot of tummy time this week as well, and I’m seeing a big difference in the range of motion of her neck. She is now turning much more easily to the left, although she still has a preference for looking right.

I haven’t had her weighed this week, but I suspect she is heading for 11lbs. Judging by her clothes at least. I can’t see us getting another month out of her 0-3 month clothes. I think in another week or so I’ll have to pull down the boxes of 3-6 month clothes from the attic and start getting them ready.



  1. She’s getting so big Lis 🙂 The growth spurt that I noticed the most was at 3 months. Although at 2 months it was hard to tell if we were having growth spurts or just dealing with jet lag 🙂

    • It is hard to tell alright Julie. She finally fell asleep at 8.30 last night and slept right through to 3am. I slept too and really needed it!

  2. What a pretty dress & my all time favourite bow to the front to finish it off 🙂

  3. She looks so pretty in red and white. Good Cork colours her great gran would be so proud

  4. Hello, i stumbled upon your blog and just wanted to drop a note to say hello. Your little girl is so adorable! I am reminded once again of those long sleepless nights in the initial days :p hang in there though!
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