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Posted by on Dec 23, 2013 in Calendar Event, Life | 4 comments



Christmas is hectic this year. Four weeks since I went back to work and we’re still trying to figure out where to fit in our lives around our new routine. We were pretty organized for Christmas with most presents bought as far back as last August. (I should note that this level of Christmas organization is totally out of character. It was motivated purely by the fact that my last pay cheque came in August and I knew things would be tight in November while I waited to be paid again after returning to work. )

The last few weeks have gone by in a blur. And now Christmas is upon us. The excitement is palpable in our house. At four year’s old, our little boy is completely clued in to Christmas and Santa. He can barely contain himself and it’s infectious. Even his baby sister realises something is up. Unfortunately she’s a bit sick with a cough, but she’s still giddy watching her brother.

Occasionally my thoughts drift to two other little babies, who flickered into our lives for the briefest of moments. I like to think of them at this time of year to remember that they were, however briefly.

And then I sit and watch my little boy and baby girl and I feel blessed. What a privilege to share this time with two small children, to see the magic in their eyes.



  1. There is nothing like the wonder of Christmas through the eyes of a child. It is a good time for all of us to count our blessings. I feel very blessed having four wonderful children and three adorable grandchildren. Peace and joy to everyone this Christmas. Have a good one

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your little ones, we are all indeed blessed
    office mum recently posted..A Christmas reunionMy Profile

  3. Very appropriate Lisa

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