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Posted by on Aug 17, 2013 in Breastfeeding, Life | 5 comments

Yay for boobs!

It’s the refrain of teenage boys everywhere. But yesterday I had reason to think “Yay for boobs!” I was driving with my 4.5 month old baby girl. It should have been a quick 15 minute journey. But a crash a few miles ahead of us on the road meant that we got caught in a huge tailback.

The traffic crawled along for 15 minutes during which time the baby got antsy. Not surprising because she hates being in the car at the best of times. I decided to pull in and wait out the traffic jam.

Another 15 minutes passed and she started acting hungry, and at that moment I was so grateful that our breastfeeding journey worked out so well this time around. I sat there and fed her, not having to worry about how much milk I had, or the temperature or the sterility of bottles or any of the rest of it.

It was another 40 or 50 minutes before the traffic started moving again. And by the time we got home, she was asleep in her cat seat. Well fed and content. Like I said “Yay for boobs!


  1. Yay for boobs is right, camping weekends would be way more awkward without them!!! 😉

  2. Boobs rule!
    That’s why I’m hoping we will be able to continue. Because Little Brother’s reflux is making it one rough ride.

  3. Wholeheartedly agree! I remember being accidentally abandonend in our holiday campsite last year with my then six month old, no phone and no wallet so no way to contact husband to say where I was(long story). I kept thinking how worried I would have been if it wasn’t for breastfeeding, so yay for boobies! And hope you have no more traffic jams like that – not fun either way
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    • As it turns out we had a very similar experience on Saturday night driving back up from my parents house. A 2.5 hour journey turned into a 4 hour journey because the baby insisted on two feeds during the time we were traveling.

  4. I loved being able to step out with just a nappy and a pack of wipes in my handbag. It is so liberating not to be concerned about bottles, sterilising and where you may find yourself!
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