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Posted by on Jan 11, 2012 in Play | 5 comments

Wordless Wednesday: Gone Fishin’

Wordless Wednesday: Gone Fishin’

One of the big hits this Christmas was a fishing game that Little Man received from one of his grandmothers. Amazon Fishing Game is not the most robust game, nor is it the prettiest – the fish look quite vicious! But it gets played with every day and has been the source of a lot of giggling fun in this house!



  1. And if nothing else the rods make great wands for magic 🙂

  2. I looked at this pre-Christmas and then dismissed it (possibly to do with the viciousness of the fish…) May have to revisit that decision!

    • Well word of warning – fun as it is, it’s not the best made toy. In the couple of weeks since Christmas, quite a few of the fish have fallen apart. And the thing seems to absolutely eat batteries. But like all the best shoddily built toys, the toddler loves it!

      • Hey, if it gives me 5 minutes of alone time it’ll be worth it 🙂

        • Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that in our house. Instead it’s “Mammy, Mammy, come fishing, wanna catch fish…” 🙂

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