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Posted by on Apr 1, 2013 in Love | 19 comments

Welcome to the world

Welcome to the world

I’ll write a full account of Little Woman’s Birth in the coming weeks, but for now you’ll have to make do with the short-n-sweet version.

On Saturday evening, following a slow, gentle build up to labour all day at home, we headed to hospital at around 6pm just to see if things were progressing. Just as well because 25 minutes after my admissions exam was started I was rushed to delivery, where 7 minutes later, my beautiful daughter entered the world. Wow!

Welcome to the world baby girl!

16 hours later we were home in our own bed getting to know each other. I’m looking at her right now wondering how it could possibly be just over 48 hours since she made her appearance. She’s feeding well, and we’re getting plenty of sleep for now. I’m a bit stiff and sore today but just so happy to be recovering and spending time with my baby girl.



  1. Welcome beautiful baby girl πŸ™‚ xxx

    • She’s a wonderful addition to the family! No doubt you’ll hear plenty from me in the coming weeks and months.

  2. Sounds like my second – at 10pm we arrived at the birthing center to be told I didn’t look like I was working very hard and maybe we should go home again. At 10.22 my daughter came shooting out of me and all but landed in the toilet! The shock was astounding, and it was not what I’d call pain-free, but it was the most amazing experience of my life. Enjoy your beautiful girl.
    Christine recently posted..XXMy Profile

    • Surely that must happen often enough that they should expect that not everyone about to give birth is showing signs. My midwife got the shock of her life when she realized I was 9cm dilated. I could have told her that. πŸ™‚

  3. Huge congrats sounds like a dream…enjoy this special time

    • It wasn’t all plain sailing. The hospital experience left a lot to be desired but it’s over now. πŸ™‚

  4. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful little girl

  5. Congratulations, she is beautiful! Enjoy your babymoon
    office mum recently posted..Switching offMy Profile

  6. Congratulations!!! Wonderful news. Glad the birth went well and you are safely home. She looks so cosy snuggled up in all those woollens. Hope things go well with Little Man getting to know his baby sister.
    Jenny recently posted..Big birthasMy Profile

    • Thanks Jenny. Everything is going well so far.

  7. Awww that is great news – look forward to reading about the birth and am thrilled she is finally here for ye all. She is beautiful – congrats

    • Thanks Mary! I’ll have to wait until I find the time to write about it properly. πŸ™‚

  8. Congratulations to the mum! and welcome baby girl! πŸ™‚

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