Mammy, where was I when the President came? -
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Posted by on May 23, 2011 in Life | 3 comments

Mammy, where was I when the President came?

Mammy, where was I when the President came?

Photo source: irargerach

"The sun's coming out - I can feel it" - President Obama on his visit to Ireland, May 2011

Today was a special day in Ireland. President Obama came to visit us. That’s Obama of the Moneygall Obama’s in case you were wondering. Watching the speeches on College Green, I felt my heart swell. And judging by the crowd I wasn’t alone. “Look,” I wanted to tell Little Man, “the Taoiseach is introducing the President.”

“Look, the Taoiseach is still introducing the President.” Actually, I think Enda was playing the role of his life, giving the speech of his life. But after months and months last year of silence from our leaders, I found it refreshing to hear a real speech, a speech we could cheer to in fact.

Of course, Little Man wasn’t too interested in the speeches. But I wonder if he’ll be interested in years to come – maybe when he learns about this visit in History class at school, or reads about it on Wikipedia… “Where was I when the President came?” I imagine him asking. “What was I doing?”

“Where were you?” I’ll reply, “Oh let me see now” (I can hear the music from the Barry’s tea advert playing while I imagine this!)

When he arrived at Dublin airport, you were busy in the kitchen sharing your buttered toast with me.

When he planted a tree at Aras an Uachtarain, you were snuggling on the couch with me, playing First Words on the iPad.

When he met with the Taoiseach, you were gobbling your dinner, proudly showing me how you could “chop-chop” your chicken with your knife.

When he visited the US Embassy, you were sound asleep.

When he arrived in Moneygall, you were still asleep – it was a long nap.

When he greeted the crowds in Moneygall and shared a pint with them, you shared an ice-pop with me while I waited for the Neurofen to take your fever down (our friend “teething” strikes again).

When he was introduced by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny at College Green, you were playing hide-and-seek in your ball pool with Mr. Socks.

When he made his speech and got the whole crowd cheering, you chased your ball under the coffee table and got stuck. And when I rescued you, you promptly did it again!

And when he finished his speech, and went down to greet the crowds, you were running to the door to greet your Daddy.

Of course, maybe Little Man will never ask at all, but I’ll still think of what he was doing when I see The President’s Visit recalled on Reeling in the Years decades from now!


  1. Of course Little Man can always just read about it on his mammy’s blog. I think this will be a great way for him to look back at all you did together 🙂

    • I hope you’re right Marguerite. I think before he looks back with fondness on it though, there’s bound to be a phase of looking at it with embarrassment first! Ah those teenage years…I can hardly wait!

  2. And then there was the ash cloud from Iceland and Little Man was too busy helping his daddy eat his dinner to talk to his Nana and Grandad on Skype from Sorrento

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