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Posted by on Feb 18, 2012 in Play | 2 comments

Glitter and Glue

Glitter and Glue

Arts and crafts with glitter and glue – also known as “how to entertain a toddler in three extremely messy steps”:

  1. Draw an “invisible” picture on a page with a glue stick
  2. Sprinkle liberally with glitter
  3. Tap the side of the page off the table to remove the excess glitter and reveal your masterpiece


Little Man just loved this activity – especially the big reveal at the end. I enjoyed it too but boy did I underestimate the mess to be cleaned up afterwards. Note to self: Put down sheets of newspaper before attempting this again.

I think we’re going to be picking glitter off our skin, clothes, and furniture for months!


  1. Such a lovely idea, – I wonder if doing on a baking or tea tray would contain things a little although it’s not so bad to sparkle a bit 😉

    • You’re right – a little bit of sparkle is never a bad thing! But I sneezed earlier and sparkles came out. I wonder if that crosses the line into “too much sparkle”! 😉

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