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Posted by on Mar 22, 2011 in Play, Reviews | 2 comments

Ahoy there matey!

Ahoy there matey!

For his first birthday, Little Man’s uncle and soon-to-be aunty (no pressure guys!) gave him a Megabloks Pirate Ship. This ship comes complete with two pirates, a treasure chest, a cannon and cannonball, and even a shark!

On the deck of the ship, there’s a little monkey, and when you press his head, music plays. We have had hours of fun with this ship. The cabin can be lifted off, revealing a trapdoor. Little Man loves to open the trap door, and close it, and open it again, and close it! Sometimes he pushes the shark through it and into the cargo hold below!

The ship is on wheels, and on the front of it, there’s a string that Little Man can use to pull it along. He does this at top speed making “vroom vroom” noises as he runs. I’m not sure “vroom vroom” is appropriate for a pirate ship – but try telling that to a toddler!


  1. hahahaaaaaa “no pressure guys!” 😀

  2. My little fella was also given this by his uncle at Christmas. It’s a great toy!!!

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